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Recording information - questions
What is it important to do when writing down your record of what happened in relation to a child protection concern?
Edit out anything you don't feel is relevant
Use the words you heard as you heard them
Fill in any blanks in the information with what you guess might have happened but, to keep things consistent, make it look as though the child has said it
Don't write anything more than once even if the child repeated a phrase or sentence
Which of the following are not helpful ways to listen and respond to a child who is talking to you?
Being overly emotional, asking lots of inappropriate questions, filling in the blanks, not believing the child and/or keeping secrets
Being overly emotional, giving space to talk and listen, jumping to conclusions, letting the child know that you believe them
Stay calm, match eye contact, have open body language and really listen
Panic, match eye contact, have open body language and really listen
According to your organisation's Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy, who should be your first step in seeking support, advice, progression and resolution of any concerns you may have, or which are raised to you?
The Police
Social Services
Your DSL
The Child's Parent/s
Should you always get the child's permission before sharing information?
Yes - the child's rights and wishes must be respected at all times and in all cases. This is known as the Paramountcy Principle
Only if the child is under 13 because otherwise, they have the right to choose whether information is shared
It is the ideal and it is best to be upfront from the start that you won't be able to keep the information a secret. The best interests of the child are paramount though and you will need to share information and take action whether you have permission or not.
Later on in court if the child is caused to give any witness testimony
Click to go to Chapter 5
Reporting Information
1. Introduction to Safeguarding and Child Protection
Practice Questions
2. Recognising signs and symptoms of abuse
Practice Questions
3. Responding to Concerns
Practice Questions
4. Recording information
Practice Questions
5. Reporting Information
Practice Questions
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