Food Hygiene Certificate
Catering Version
Level 1

What is covered in this Level 1 Food Hygiene Course? The Safer Food Group Level 1 Food Hygiene course teaches the essential principles of food safety. It is designed for workers who do not prepare food, or participate in only very basic food preparation activities, but who work in an environment where food is prepared, served or sold. It is suitable for learners in job roles including: food delivery personnel, front of house staff, food operations administrator, food retail assistant, lunchtime supervisor and for volunteers working in a limited capacity with food, for example serving hot drinks and snacks.

The course equips the learner with a basic understanding of the following topics:

  • Food safety law
  • Food poisoning bacteria
  • Controlling food poisoning
  • Physical, chemical and allergenic hazards
  • Personal hygiene
  • Cleaning and food pestsEmergency first aid

The Level 1 Food Hygiene course was previously known as the Food Hygiene Essentials certificate or Safer Food Essentials

Our course follows the nationally approved Level 1 Food Hygiene syllabus, accredited by Qualifi, an Ofqual regulated awarding body.

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100 or more = £6.00+vat Per Course

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Level 2 Food hygiene training - Catering


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Frequently Asked Questions

Individual learners:

From purchase of a single Level 1 Food and Hygiene course or registration of a course code you have 30 days in which to complete the course and take the test. After 30 days, or after you pass your exam (whichever is sooner) your course access will end, but you will still have access to your learner account to download or print your course certificate at any time. If you are struggling to complete within this time, please call our friendly support team on , and we will help find the right option for you.

Business buyers:

If you purchase a number of course codes to distribute to your staff, those course codes are valid for one year from the date of purchase. As above, the 30 day course window for each individual only begins when the learner registers their individual course code to access the course material. In most cases we are happy to extend learner course access at no extra charge to allow them to complete, our time restriction is to encourage them to complete the training in a sensible time-frame to ensure they develop their knowledge most effectively.

The time taken to complete the course is very dependent on the skills, experience and learning style of each learner. On average, a Level 1 course will require 1-2 hours of study, a Level 2 course will require 2-4 hours of study, and a Level 3 course will require 18-24 hours of study. There is a minimum time you must spend on study within each chapter to unlock the final exam - this time is stated on the course home page.


If you already have the skills and knowledge required to pass the course, you may be able to take the FastTrack option. If you successfully pass a pre-exam assessment, you will be able to take the exam without spending the specified time studying each chapter. This is a great option for those who are renewing their qualification as they are able to test out their understanding; if the pre-exam assessment is not successfully passed, areas of concern are flagged up and the learner can access study material in the usual way, spending more time ensuring that the areas of concern are fully understood before the final test.

Don’t worry! You get unlimited free exam retakes.
You need a 83% pass rate to pass your exam - but if you don’t manage to achieve this, you will be given a list of topics that we advise you to look at again to check your understanding. Go back and revise these topics, then resit the exam within your 30 day course window.

By law, food businesses within the UK must ensure that staff are: ‘supervised, instructed and trained in food hygiene matters to a level that is appropriate to their job.’ The Safer Food Group works with industry experts, including Environmental Health Officers, to ensure that our training meets the necessary levels and covers all the content required to be able to prepare and serve food safely.

Learners differ in the type of study that suits them best - this is known as their ‘learning style’. The Safer Food Group offers clear and accessible written content, comprehensively supported by video for every chapter, and enhanced with appropriate graphics and visuals to give the best possible chance of success, whatever the learning style. Our online courses give learners the flexibility to study at their own pace, in an environment and at a time which suits them best, increasing the likelihood that they will enjoy and understand the course and bring their learning back into the workplace as safer practitioners.

The Safer Food Group Level 1 Food Hygiene course covers the essential principles of food safety, for workers who do not prepare food, or participate in only very basic food preparation activities. It would be relevant if you work in a setting where food is prepared, served or sold, in job roles including: food delivery personnel, front of house staff, food operations administrator, food retail assistant, lunchtime supervisor and for volunteers who work in a limited capacity with food, such as serving hot drinks and snacks.

No, you do not have to take a Level 1 course before any higher levels. Our Level 2 course covers very similar material but in a greater level of detail, so you can start directly at Level 2 if this is suitable for your job role. A Level 2 course is similar in terms of complexity to a GSCE course but is much shorter in length.

No. You will require our Level 2 course if you are looking for the equivalent to the ‘Basic Food Hygiene' course. The ‘Basic Food Hygiene' qualification was renamed ‘Level 2 Food Safety’ when a number of food related practices and regulations were updated.

If you already have a Basic Food Hygiene Certificate, it may be a good time to renew your training. It is recommended that you renew your training every three years.